Spread-Trading strategien | Spread-Trading durch die GeWorko Method | IFCM Germany
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Spreadhandel durch die GeWorko Methode

Die Strategie des Spreadhandels basiert auf der Suche von Preisunterschieden und Divergenzen für ähnliche Instrumente. Die Preise der Finanzinstrumente können gleichzeitig auf demselben Wirtschaftsfaktor reagieren, aber die Geschwindigkeit und Empfindlichkeit der Reaktion können sich voneinander unterscheiden.

Die Methode GeWorko ist eine unersetzliche Hilfe bei der Forschung solcher Gesetzmäßigkeiten. Für die Realisierung der Strategie ist es genug, ein Chart, welches relative Preisveränderungen, ihre Geschwindigkeit und Grad der Empfindlichkeit zeigt, zu bauen.

Die relative Wertentwicklung von japanischen Aktien im Vergleich zu den US-Aktien kann durch den Gebrauch der auf der PQM Methode basierten Technologie von Personal Composite Instrument (PCI) leicht analysiert werden. Um den Zugang zur PCI-Technologie zu bekommen, laden Sie nur die NetTradeX Handelsplattform herunter und öffnen Sie ein Real- oder Demokonto. Nach der Installation der NetTradeX Plattform,...

Zurzeit bewegen sich die Hauptaktienindexe der Welt grob identisch. S&P500, DJI und Nasdaq 100 sind ungefähr um 8.5 % seit dem Anfang 2016 gefallen. Der deutsche Aktienindex DAX ist um 9.4 % im Dollarwert und der britische FTSE 100 um fast denselben Wert gefallen. Seit dem Anfang dieses Jahres war der 7-%-Niedergang des französischen CAC 40 Indexes der kleinste, während der japanische Nikkei 225...

Good afternoon, dear investors. In this overview we would like to introduce an instrument of spread trading, composed on the basis of two agricultural commodity futures, using the PQM model. First of all, we wish to draw your attention to the main trends in beef/soybean demand and supply.
According to the USDA estimates, at the moment the livestock amounts to 1.03 billion. India accounts for 37%...

Good afternoon, dear investors. In this review we continue to acquaint you with the opportunities of using the synthetic instrument ( technically - personal composite instrument PCI), based on the PQM model in NetTradeX trading terminal. We want to offer you a synthetic instrument composed of two "Commodity CFD" section components: C-COFFEE, C-COCOA. Let us take a look at the basic supply and demand...

Today we want to bring to your attention another synthetic instrument, implemented in NetTradeX trading terminal. This time let us use trading instruments of ''Commodities'' section. We take two agricultural futures: frozen cattle and wheat, creating the following type of PCI: Wheat/F-cattle. This means that we will have wheat in the base part and frozen cattle in the quoted part. We will study the...

In the previous review , we introduced you to the capabilities of the NetTradeX terminal for creation of synthetic instruments through Portfolio Quothing Method PQM. As an example, we used the shares of Google and Apple companies.

We offer NetTradeX trading terminal capabilities for creating synthetic instruments through PQM method. Let us examine spread trading between two stocks. At first, it is necessary to analyze the financial status of the companies and their prospects.

Eurozone consists of nearly two dozens of countries, each having its own economic characteristics. The sovereign debt crisis that erupted in the region has brought down stock markets of all countries. But the reaction could not be quantitatively the same everywhere. In this article we will try to investigate the behavior of the major German index DE 30 and the major French index FR 40, to compare their...

Financial markets have cyclical nature, with investment capital flowing from gold and silver to "paper" assets and vice versa. Worldwide, investors prefer to keep their funds in the form of precious metals when the state of the economy is poor, during crises, wars and defaults, when there is no trust to the stock market. During conventional economic stability, investors prefer securities to precious...

Recently, the technology of pair trading has become greatly popular among traders. Pair trading, also known as statistical arbitrage or spread trading is a strategy which allows the trader to use anomalies, as well as fairly strong differences between prices of two stocks or baskets while maintaining neutrality of the market. The basis of the strategy is to identify correlated stocks and use moments...

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