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IFC Markets - Forex Währungshandel

Aktuelle Wechselkurse

Live Preise - Forex / Währungspaare

InstrumentNameEröffnungspreisHeute, max.Heute, min.Aktueller PreisVeränderung am TagChart
AUDUSD AUD/USD --- --- --- --- --- Australischer Dollar to Dollar Chart
EURGBP EUR/GBP --- --- --- --- --- Euro to Pfund Chart
EURUSD EUR/USD --- --- --- --- --- Euro to Dollar Chart
GBPUSD GBP/USD --- --- --- --- --- Pfund to Dollar Chart
USDCAD USD/CAD --- --- --- --- --- Dollar to Kanadischer Dollar Chart
USDCHF USD/CHF --- --- --- --- --- Dollar to Franken Chart
USDJPY USD/JPY --- --- --- --- --- Dollar to Yen Chart
USDMXN USD/MXN --- --- --- --- --- Dollar to Peso Chart
USDRUB USD/RUB --- --- --- --- --- Dollar to Rubel Chart


InstrumentName SellBuyUpgedated, CETChart
AUDCAD AUD/CAD ---------View Chart
AUDCHF AUD/CHF ---------View Chart
AUDJPY AUD/JPY ---------View Chart
AUDNZD AUD/NZD ---------View Chart
CADCHF CAD/CHF ---------View Chart
CADJPY CAD/JPY ---------View Chart
CHFJPY CHF/JPY ---------View Chart
EURAUD EUR/AUD ---------View Chart
EURCAD EUR/CAD ---------View Chart
EURCHF EUR/CHF ---------View Chart
EURCZK EUR/CZK ---------View Chart
EURHKD EUR/HKD ---------View Chart
EURJPY EUR/JPY ---------View Chart
EURMXN EUR/MXN ---------View Chart
EURNZD EUR/NZD ---------View Chart
EURPLN EUR/PLN ---------View Chart
EURRUB EUR/RUB ---------View Chart
EURSEK EUR/SEK ---------View Chart
EURTRY EUR/TRY ---------View Chart
EURZAR EUR/ZAR ---------View Chart
GBPAUD GBP/AUD ---------View Chart
GBPCAD GBP/CAD ---------View Chart
GBPCHF GBP/CHF ---------View Chart
GBPJPY GBP/JPY ---------View Chart
GBPNZD GBP/NZD ---------View Chart
GBPSEK GBP/SEK ---------View Chart
NZDCAD NZD/CAD ---------View Chart
NZDCHF NZD/CHF ---------View Chart
NZDJPY NZD/JPY ---------View Chart
NZDUSD NZD/USD ---------View Chart
USDCNH USD/CNH ---------View Chart
USDCZK USD/CZK ---------View Chart
USDDKK USD/DKK ---------View Chart
USDHKD USD/HKD ---------View Chart
USDNOK USD/NOK ---------View Chart
USDPLN USD/PLN ---------View Chart
USDSEK USD/SEK ---------View Chart
USDSGD USD/SGD ---------View Chart
USDTRY USD/TRY ---------View Chart
USDZAR USD/ZAR ---------View Chart

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