Trading ZECUSD | Buy ZECUSD | Quote ZECUSD | IFCM Germany
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Trade ZECUSD CFDs - ZECUSD Trading

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Hebel 1:100
Margin 1000
Calculation base
Status: Geschlossen Handel
Vorige Schließung
Heute, max.
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ZECUSD Trading Conditions

Swipe table

ZECUSD Trading Hours

ZECUSD trading hours are the time when investors can buy and sell ZECUSD crypto pairs. The ZECUSD pair is traded on multiple exchanges around the world. This means that investors have many different opportunities to trade ZECUSD during different trading hours. Depending on where you live, you may be able to trade ZECUSD at any time throughout the day or night. For those who want to take advantage of these opportunities, it is important to know when ZECUSD trading hours begin and end.

Swipe table
WochentagBörsenstunden (MEZ)Lokale Handelszeiten
Montag 00:00 — 23:00, 23:15 — 24:0000:00 — 23:00, 23:15 — 24:00
Dienstag00:00 — 23:00, 23:15 — 24:0000:00 — 23:00, 23:15 — 24:00
Mittwoch00:00 — 23:00, 23:15 — 24:0000:00 — 23:00, 23:15 — 24:00
Donnerstag00:00 — 23:00, 23:15 — 24:0000:00 — 23:00, 23:15 — 24:00
Freitag00:00 — 22:0000:00 — 22:00
Samstag00:00 — 21:00, 22:00 — 24:0000:00 — 21:00, 22:00 — 24:00
Sunday00:00 — 09:00, 10:00 — 24:0000:00 — 09:00, 10:00 — 24:00

Crypto Pair ZECUSD | Kryptowährung |

Zcash (ZEC) is a popular cryptocurrency and the BlockChain network, launched in 2016, provides completely anonymous, untraceable transactions. The network operates on the basis of a cryptographic zero-knowledge proof method called “zk-SNARK”. The main features of the ZEC network and coin are as follows:

  • Complete anonymity of transactions provided that the network is open source; each network user can confirm ownership of certain data (for example, a private key), without disclosing them and constantly interacting with the validator; information about the participants in the transaction and the amount of the transfer is encrypted.
  • The transaction is usually confirmed within a few seconds. If the transaction is not confirmed within an hour, it becomes invalid and the funds are returned to the sender.
  • Transactions with a low commission fee (0.0001 ZEC).
  • Zcash mining is carried out only on specialized devices.

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