Ropa Brent Technická analýza | Ropa Brent Obchodování: 2025-02-25 | IFCM Čeština
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Ropa Brent Technická analýza - Ropa Brent Obchodování: 2025-02-25

Ropa Brent Technical Analysis Summary

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Silný ProdatSellNeutrální BuySilné Koupit

výše 74.74

Buy Stop

níže 74.28

Stop Loss

Ara Zohrabian
Ara Zohrabian
Senior Analytical Expert
RSI Neutrální
Donchian Channel Buy
MA(200) Sell
Fractals Buy
Parabolic SAR Buy

Ropa Brent Chart Analysis

Ropa Brent Chart Analysis

Ropa Brent Technická analýza

The #C- BRENT technical analysis of the price chart in 1-hour timeframe shows #C- BRENT,H1 is rebounding toward the 200-period moving average MA(200) after hitting seven-week low yesterday. We believe the bullish momentum will continue as the price breaches above the upper Donchian boundary at 74.74. A pending order to buy can be placed above that level. The stop loss can be placed below 74.28. After placing the order, the stop loss is to be moved every day to the next fractal low, following Parabolic indicator signals. Thus, we are changing the expected profit/loss ratio to the breakeven point. If the price meets the stop loss level without reaching the order, we recommend cancelling the order: the market has undergone internal changes which were not taken into account.

Fundamentální analýza Komodity - Ropa Brent

United States imposed new sanctions on Iran’s export chain. Will the BRENT price rebound continue?

Yesterday US Treasury Department announced new sanctions on Iran targeting over 30 entities and individuals involved in the country's oil supply chain, including brokers and tanker operators in the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, and China. Oil prices got a boost on concerns over potential global supply constraints due to the new sanctions on Iran: Iran is the third-largest producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. At the same time traders are watching closely the cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, and developments in US-Russia talks involving Ukraine. Easing geopolitical tensions are a downside risk for crude oil prices as US may cancel sanctions aimed at limiting Russian oil exports while prospect of peaceful settlement of conflict in Middle East reduces price premium based on increased supply risk for crude exports from that region.

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