Weekly Top Gainers/Losers: Tullow Oil и Agnico Eagle Mines | IFCM Čeština
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Weekly Top Gainers/Losers: Tullow Oil и Agnico Eagle Mines


Top Gainers – The World Market

Quotes of gold mining companies fell along with the price of gold. Investors reacted to a decrease in global risks amid massive coronavirus vaccinations. The end of the pandemic may increase the demand for oil. Thanks to this, the shares of the oil companies advanced the most. The Japanese yen fell on the back of rising yields on US and European bonds.

1.Twitter Inc, 19,8% – American social network

2. Tullow Oil PLC, 15,4% – British oil and gas company

market sentiment ratio long short positions

Top Losers – The World Market

1. Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd – Canadian gold mining company

2. Northern Star Resources Ltd – Australian gold mining company

market sentiment ratio long short positions

Top Gainers – Foreign Exchange Market (Forex)

1. CADJPY, GBPJPY - the growth of these charts means the strengthening of the Canadian dollar and the British pound against the Japanese yen.

2. AUDJPY, USDJPY - the growth of these charts means the weakening of the Japanese yen against the Australian and US dollars.

market sentiment ratio long short positions

Top Losers – Foreign Exchange Market (Forex)

1. USDTRY, EURTRY - the drop of these charts means the weakening of the US dollar and euro against the Turkish lira.

2. EURZAR, EURGBP - the drop of these charts means that the weakening of the euro against the South African rand and the British pound.

market sentiment ratio long short positions

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