iShares 20+ Year ETF | TLT ETF | Investire in iShares 20+ Year ETF | IFCM Italy
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Trading iShares 20+ Year ETF - CFD TLT ETF

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iShares 20+ Year ETF - CFD #ETF-TLT Condizioni di trading

Tabella interattiva

Orario di trading iShares 20+ Year ETF

iShares 20+ Year ETF trading hours are the time when investors can buy and sell iShares 20+ Year ETF. The iShares 20+ Year ETF is traded on multiple exchanges around the world. This means that investors have many different opportunities to trade iShares 20+ Year ETF during different trading hours. Depending on where you live, you may be able to trade iShares 20+ Year ETF at any time throughout the day or night. For those who want to take advantage of these opportunities, it is important to know when iShares 20+ Year ETF trading hours begin and end.

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Giorni della settimanaOrari di trading (CET)Orari di trading locali
Lunedì 14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00
Martedì14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00
Mercoledì14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00
Giovedì14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00
Venerdì14:30 — 21:0014:30 — 21:00

Date dividendi

iShares 20+ Year ETF Dividend dates are specific dates on which a publicly traded company pays out dividends to its shareholders. The most common dividend dates include:

  • Declaration date: The date on which the company's board of directors declares the dividend, announcing the amount of the dividend and the date of record.
  • Date of record: The date on which the company determines which shareholders are eligible to receive the dividend. Shareholders who own shares on this date will receive the dividend payout.
  • Ex-dividend date: The first day on which the iShares 20+ Year ETF stock trades without the dividend. Shareholders who purchase shares after this date will not receive the current dividend payout.
  • Payment date: The date on which the iShares 20+ Year ETF actually pays out the dividend to eligible shareholders.
  • Dividend adjustment: It is a process by which the iShares 20+ Year ETF stock price is adjusted to reflect the payment of dividends to shareholders. When a company pays out dividends to its shareholders, the price of the stock typically drops by an amount equal to the dividend payout, since the company's value is reduced by the amount of cash paid out to shareholders.
Tabella interattiva

IShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ( TLT )

IShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ( ticker di scorte TLT) - fondo di investimento, la strategia che consiste nel seguire l'indice Barclays U. S. 20+ Year Treasury Bond Index. Questo indice mostra l'andamento dei rendimenti dei titoli del tesoro federale degli Stati Uniti con durata residua a scadenza più di 20 anni. Il fondo investe almeno il 90% del proprio patrimonio in obbligazioni incluse nell'indice, e non meno del 95% del loro patrimonio in obbligazioni del governo federale (non meno di 12 anni fino a scadenza). Quote (azioni) di questo fondo quotata al NYSE (piattaforma di scambio Arca) dal 2002. Rendimento nominale delle obbligazioni è legato al tasso di sconto della FED. Obbligazioni del tesoro degli Stati Uniti hanno il punteggio più alto fra gli strumenti del mercato del debito e sono molto richiesti all'aumento dei tassi di interesse della FED e inasprire la politica monetaria.

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