- マーケット分析
- テクニカル分析
USD/ZAR テクニカル分析 - USD/ZAR 取引:2021-01-07
USD/ZAR テクニカル分析のサマリー
Above 15.15
Buy Stop
Below 14.45
Stop Loss

インジケーター | シグナル |
RSI | 横ばい |
MACD | 買い |
MA(200) | 横ばい |
Fractals | 横ばい |
Parabolic SAR | 買い |
Bollinger Bands | 横ばい |
USD/ZAR チャート分析
USD/ZAR テクニカル分析
On the daily timeframe, USDZAR: D1 moved up from the descending channel. A number of technical analysis indicators formed signals for further growth. We do not rule out a bullish move if USDZAR rises above its latest high: 15.15. This level can be used as an entry point. We can place a stop loss below the Parabolic signal, the last three lower fractals and the annual low: 14.45. After opening a pending order, we move the stop loss to the next fractal low following the Bollinger and Parabolic signals. Thus, we change the potential profit/loss ratio in our favor. After the transaction, the most risk-averse traders can switch to the four-hour chart and set a stop loss, moving it in the direction of the bias. If the price meets the stop loss (14.45) without activating the order (15.15), it is recommended to delete the order: the market sustains internal changes that have not been taken into account.
分析 外為 - USD/ZAR
In the Republic of South Africa (RSA), the number of patients with coronavirus has increased. Will the USDZAR quotes grow ?
An upward movement signifies a weakening of the South African rand against the US dollar. At the end of December, a new mutation of the coronavirus - SARS-CoV-2 (501.V2) was discovered in South Africa. Current vaccines are likely to be ineffective against it. They are now being tested. Meanwhile, the number of people with Covid-19 in South Africa began to increase sharply and has already reached 15 thousand people a day. In early December there were about 4 thousand a day. In total, 1.12 million people fell ill in South Africa and 30.5 thousand died. International rating agencies Fitch and Moody's downgraded South Africa's ratings to a speculative level at the end of November 2020, and S&P did it even earlier.
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