Weekly Top Gainers/Losers: American dollar and South African rand | IFCM ジャパン
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Weekly Top Gainers/Losers: American dollar and South African rand

3/4 日

Top Gainers – The World Market

Over the past 7 days, oil quotes continued to grow. Precious metals, including gold, fell in price. Against this background, the shares of oil companies increased, the Russian ruble strengthened, the Australian and New Zealand dollars, as well as the South African rand, weakened. The US dollar strengthened on the back of continued growth in US Treasury bond notes.

1.Tullow Oil PLC, 19,3% – a British oil and gas company

2. Alcoa Corp., 23,9% – an American aluminum producer

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Top Losers – The World Market

1. Orica Ltd. – an explosives manufacturer in Australia

2. Centerra Gold Inc – a Canadian gold mining company.

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Top Gainers – Foreign Exchange Market (Forex)

1. USDTRY, EURTRY - the growth of these charts means the strengthening of the US dollar and the euro against the Turkish lira.

2. USDZAR, EURZAR - the growth of these charts means the weakening of the South African rand against the US dollar and the euro.

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Top Losers – Foreign Exchange Market (Forex)

1. NZDUSD, AUDCAD - the decline in these charts means the weakening of the New Zealand and Australian dollars against the US and Canadian dollars.

2. GBPUSD, EURRUB - the drop in these charts means the weakening of the British pound against the US dollar and the euro against the Russian ruble.

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