Cryptocurrency Market | Cryptocurrency Trading | Crypto Futures | IFCM Canada
IFC Markets Online CFD Broker

CFDs on Crypto Futures

The instruments of this group allow to invest in the price dynamics of the crypto-currencies.

CFD on the nearest futures is provided for Bitcoin CFD. The date of the beginning of trading, end of trading and the current status are additionally mentioned per each CFD. Three status values are available:

  • Trading - an opportunity to make deals and set orders without any limitations (during the trading sessions).
  • Only closure - only closure of earlier opened positions (generally is set two trading days before the end of trading).
  • Closed - trading has not opened yet or it is already the end of trading. The Future CFD is removed from the list of instruments 42 days after the date of end of trading.

Cryptocurrency CFDs are traded during futures trading sessions. The date of end of trading of each CFD is set on the basis of the liquidity of the future and the beginning of delivery period before the expiration of the future. The tickers of the instruments of this group begin with "# F-".

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