- Analytics
- Market Historical Data
- Commodities Historical Prices
Commodities Historical Prices
In this table you can see a list of commodities grouped in energy, metal and agriculture, also you can see the table list of commodities historical prices with their names that are offered by IFC Markets with respective instrument columns. Once you have decided on the commodity you are going to trade, you can follow the link in the instrument table column mentioned earlier. There you will be able to see more detailed information about the stock you have chosen.
Commodities Historical Data
#C-FCATTLE | #C-FCATTLE | Agriculture |
#C-LCATTLE | #C-LCATTLE | Agriculture |
#C-LHOG | #C-LHOG | Agriculture |
#C-OATS | #C-OATS | Agriculture |
#C-ORANGE | #C-ORANGE | Agriculture |
#C-RICE | #C-RICE | Agriculture |
#C-ROBUSTA | #C-ROBUSTA | Agriculture |
#C-SOYB | #C-SOYB | Agriculture |
#C-SOYBM | #C-SOYBM | Agriculture |
#C-SUGAR | #C-SUGAR | Agriculture |
#C-WHEAT | #C-WHEAT | Agriculture |