Gold vs SP500 | Investing in Gold | Gold Trading | XAUSnP | IFCM
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XAUSnP - Gold vs SP500 Trading

Gold vs SP500 Investing

Type:Gold Instruments

Quoted Currency:SP500

거래를 시도하십시오

레버리지 1:100
Margin 1000
Calculation base
상태: 닫은 Trading
이전 폐쇄

XAUSnP - Gold vs SP500 Trading Conditions

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Trading Hours XAUSnP

XAUSnP trading hours are the time when investors can buy and sell XAUSnP. The XAUSnP is traded on multiple exchanges around the world. This means that investors have many different opportunities to trade XAUSnP during different trading hours. Depending on where you live, you may be able to trade XAUSnP at any time throughout the day or night. For those who want to take advantage of these opportunities, it is important to know when XAUSnP trading hours begin and end.

Swipe table
Week day거래 시간 (CET, 중앙유럽표준시간)현지 거래 시간
월요일 01:00 — 21:0001:00 — 21:00
화요일01:00 — 21:0001:00 — 21:00
수요일01:00 — 21:0001:00 — 21:00
목요일01:00 — 21:0001:00 — 21:00
금요일01:00 — 21:0001:00 — 21:00

Gold vs S&P 500

XAUSnP instrument allows to build trading strategies based on the correlation between the commodity (gold) and stock market. The quote of the trading instrument reflects the current value of one ounce of gold, expressed in the number of S&P 500 contracts.

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