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- Market Historical Data
Market Historical Data - Historical Prices
Historical prices are used to analyze the trend of the market. With the help of charts traders get special clues and insights for the prices' future movements. Historical prices help professional traders to identify signals for the future and based on that make profitable deals.
Technical Analysis is an important part of trading and it is based on stadiing historical prices, after that making conclusions on what's the trend o f the market and what trade is most profitable to make. You can get all the historical prices of currencies, index, commodities, stocks, precious metals, Gold, ETFs, cryptocurrencies.
Stocks Historical Prices
This table presents the stock price history offered by IFC Markets. The table shows the names of the companies according to the shares, as well as the shares are ordered by groups according to stock exchanges. Once you have decided on the stock you are going to trade, you can follow the link in the instrument table column. There you will be able to see more detailed information about the stock you have chosen.
Currencies Historical Data
In Forex historical data, you can see the currency pairs offered by IFC Markets. Here in this table you will find currency pairs ordered by their liquidity (popularity) specifically - major, minor and exotic currency pairs with their names.
Precious Metal Price History
In precious metals price history you can see the instruments offered by IFC Markets. Here in this table you will find six instruments - precious metals against major currencies - US dollar and Euro. You can also see the names of the instruments in the second column of the table. Once you have made a decision about which instrument you are going to trade, you can follow the link in the instrument column of the table. There you will be able to see more detailed information about your chosen instrument.
ETF Historical Data
As you can see there is a table with ETF historical data with a list of shares of Exchange Traded Funds that IFC Markets is offering. There are also names of the companies according to the ETFs instruments - SPDR Gold Trust ETF, Real Estate ETF, SPDR S&P 500 ETF TRUST, iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF. Once you have decided on the ETF you are going to trade, you can follow the link in the instrument table column. There you will be able to see more detailed information about the stock you have chosen.
Index Historical Data
In this table is presented indices price history offered by IFC Markets. There are noted names of indices as well as ordered by groups depending on countries. Once you've decided about the index you are going to trade, you can follow the link in the instrument column of the table. There you will be able to see more detailed information about your chosen instrument.
Gold Price Historical Data
This gold price history table shows synthetics instruments IFC Markets has to offer - gold versus silver, gold versus SP500, and gold versus oil. There is also an instrument column through which you can get more information about your chosen synthetic instrument.
Cryptocurrencies Historical Data
As you can see there is a table with cryptocurrencies’ historical data IFC Markets is offering - ADAUSD, BCHUSD, BTCUSD, DASHUSD and more. There are also names of the cryptocurrencies presented with groups. Once you have decided on the cryptocurrency you are going to trade, you can follow the link in the instrument table column. There you will be able to see more detailed information about the cryptocurrency you have chosen.
Commodities Historical Prices
In this table you can see a list of commodities grouped in energy, metal and agriculture, also you can see the table list of commodities historical prices with their names that are offered by IFC Markets with respective instrument columns. Once you have decided on the commodity you are going to trade, you can follow the link in the instrument table column mentioned earlier. There you will be able to see more detailed information about the stock you have chosen.
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